Verify your Facebook page

How to verify your Facebook business page

The importance of Facebook verification for your business or personal page has one again been called to the forefront due to Facebook’s new branded content rules. Why should you verify your page? It’s simple, and it’s becoming more important to stand out among the clutter. Verification lets people know that profile is authentic.

If you see a Blue Badge, that means the profile is that of a celebrity, public figure or a brand and has been verified. Brands are businesses but more popular and recognized like Nike, the NFL or Rolex. Public figures would be considered Barak Obama or Donald Trump. Celebrity would be Kim or Kanye West (Or are they brands? Depends who you ask I suppose.)

If you see a Gray Badge that means the profile has been verified by a company or business (see my example below of a company).

Verifying your business page helps pages rank higher in search, builds trust with potential customers as well as your current audience, and makes sure people know your page represents the real you. Verifying your Facebook Business Page is quick and easy. Here, I’ll outline the simple steps to get Facebook Business Verification using our customer the Police Officers Association of Michigan.


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