Material Design and Bootstrap

Material Design and Bootstrap

Material Design has become a popular topic of discussion in the design community of late. And we’re starting to see it implemented in sites across the web.

The trouble is, Material Design is a concept that can seem a bit complicated to understand. There’s also the problem of figuring out how to use elements of it in our own designs.

That’s why it’s so refreshing to see Material Design for Bootstrap – a powerful and free Material Design UI kit. They have combined the power of Material Design with the familiarity of the Bootstrap front-end framework. With it, you now have the ability to add Material Design elements to your website using an existing (and very popular) tool.

Developed by Google, Material Design is a “visual language” that aims to create a consistent user experience across platforms and devices. Not only that, it seeks to bring many of the principles of good design that we’ve seen in print publications for years to the web.

Simply put, Material Design exists to make the user’s experience as clear and consistent as possible. Let’s take a look at some key concepts:

  • Provide visual cues to help users quickly understand how to interact with your website.
  • Use elements such as whitespace, color and typography to create hierarchy, meaning and focus.
  • Use motion in a meaningful and appropriate way to enhance user actions.
  • Material Design is a 3-D environment, so use of shadows and ambient lighting are important for creating depth.


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